Friday, October 11, 2013

It's a start

Friday, October 11, 2013

Had a lovely walk up at Everton today with my son, a friend and her son.  This was the same Scout property where just a few months ago, I had spent those two heavenly relaxing weeks ... oh never you can check back to my July blogs to get the joke... let's just say this time it was MUCH quieter.

You can see the start of fall with some of the trees already changing colours. I think next weekend or the one after that will be the optimal time to view fall colours. It usually goes quite fast once they start to change.

What a gorgeous day to be outside - blue skies and 20C.

I was a bit surprised actually that everything was still mostly green, and few trees had started to turn colour...

My son spotted a heart shape in the river...

The stepping stones across the Eramosa river
.  .  .  .

The water was a bit higher as some of them were under water.

With fall I usually start to stitch even more...

my latest finish is from the Sweetheart Tree
"X is for X-Stitch"

Yes, another UFO done!!!

Of course I made some changes to the original pattern

I changed the colours of the stitcher , petit point stitched the face, 
and  added real lace to the skirt hem

Added buttons and charms

and beads!

I'm happy how it turned out.

Now on to some more fall stitching themes :)

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