Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin dilemmas

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

So it's the week of Halloween. My son keeps on coming up with different ideas for a costume.

Friday, it was "Hey! I could just wear my Scout uniform and go as a Scout!"

Heck, I'm all for that. No work on my part... except if there's any chocolate stains. 
I pondered out loud if maybe it wasn't really appropriate to wear a uniform as a costume....  maybe he could go around collecting food for the food bank, instead of collecting junky candy. I'd offer him some good chocolate instead. hmmm....
that would imply sharing my stash...

I let it go, and didn't bring it up again... 
right after my dear, sweet, boy had uttered the words

 "I think this will be the last year I go out".

Pass the kleenex please.

Over the weekend, thoughts turned to puns... like a Card Shark... a Cereal Killer... a Poet Tree...

Yesterday, the costume of the hour was a ghost.... plain, simple, bedsheet.... 

and later that evening, he thought he might just wear the same one from last year....

Or, maybe he could just wear my pumpkin costume.... the one I've been wearing for several years now.

I decided not to bring up the Dr Who Dalek costume idea he had a while ago.... 
it might add to the choices... 
and my workload...

I'd certainly rather be stitching something else!

Speaking of stitching...

 ... another finish!

Sweetheart Tree
32ct Lambswool Linen

Now if only I could turn all my stitched projects
into a costume....

there's a thought...
and a unique finishing idea :)


Miss LindaLee said...

The ghost sounds good to me....quick and easy!

I love your finish. Look at those beautiful colors! Great job

Shebafudge said...

Halloween dilemmas! My two haven't gone for since the year before last but they still dress up and scare, I mean share, the treats at the door.