Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ask not for whom the bell tolls....

Tuesday May 21, 2013

It all started with an email.

Come join in the fun - only 5 days - and you won't regret it!


They seemed to have left out a few minor details and slightly twisted the truth....

Oh , there were knights all right ...

...some were called Monty, and even though you could hear them,
 the horses were mysteriously absent.
We won't even get into the Python part of this...

Good thing they told me to bring my passport...

They said I'd have a bit of free time.
So I thought I could bring some stitching.

But seriously - for 12 hours on a bus?

ok, it wasn't that bad...
except the hour wait at the border.

What a hardship the lunch stop was....
in a plaza that had lots of food places,
oh, and maybe a historic site

or not.

I know a few might have found this interesting.
Possibly someone may find these a tad on the small size.

The locals seemed a bit unique to say the least...

They said I might receive a gift. 

I'd never received such a beautiful gift of jewelry ...

Kind of goes with everything.
Oh yeah.
 Could have used a bit sparkly bead accents though.

At least the sights were  interesting.
(If you didn't guess by now... I was in the USA)
... ahhh.. but where?

Somewhere deep underground...

Really neat mural... 

Close-up you can see it's comprised of smaller tiles.
I thought this was really cool.

ahhhhh... dragons!!!

and beautiful flowers...

... and no, this was not a dinner bell.
Nor did it have feet.
Yep that's the Liberty bell - seen through glass.
Almost as good as lining up for an hour to see it inside ;)

Yes indeed... this adventure had taken me to 


But why?

Well, that's another story....

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