Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Checking off To Do Lists

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sometimes my stitching has a mind of its' own. 

Take for example a certain stitch-along... 

oh let's just say that maybe it's the Lizzie Kate 'To Do List'... 
and let's just suppose that 4 stitchers started out on said journey... 
all at the same time, same day....
and perhaps,  the deadline was for it to be completed by Christmas....
and supposing by chance my stitching as of yesterday was thus...


I just couldn't help myself - loved the pattern.
and I love adding the finishing touches.
I made a few changes.. added charms, buttons and beads, accent stitches...

I'm not one to always follow rules
like finishing when I'm told to..haha

32ct Waterlily (pale green ) linen stitched over 2

I added Kreinik to the bees wings, to make them more 3-D

beads for the flowers

a few charms.. the cross and a heart
... love the bird button.
It was a present from my son.

more beads

and a tiny butterfly

So there it is... all done .

Oh but wait!
There's more!

Another happy dance just tonight
(even after some frogging got in the way)

Letter H by M Designs
32 count over 2
with silk floss

I started this last summer.
The only thing left was to stitch the border.
I had intended to make it all beads,
but changed my mind.

I plan to do one for my husband and son.
...probably not in pinky-peach though.

So I've decided to finish all my WIP's...
this one is next.
It's been sitting like this for 

a while.

Yup, another Lizzie Kate,
and yes
I plan to add buttons and charms 

And here is the mystery BIG project
after a few hours of stitching

The design is 225 L x 144 W
Still no confirmation from stitching buddies if it's big enough.

maybe they're not talking to me 
since I finished the To Do List.


how appropriate ...

I finished a To Do List

The last time that happened was before my son was born.
After he was born, I was happy to get even one item crossed off.

I no longer make lists.

Well,  except when it comes to chocolate or floss

...or maybe to pick up something special tomorrow
which I put off today.

Of course there wasn't a list to follow 

but that's another story...

1 comment:

Darlene said...

Maybe it is just big enough for you considering the normal size of your projects. Love the To Do List.