Thursday, March 28, 2013

shhhh.... cookies

Thursday March 28, 2013

Oh what to do when everyone else is asleep. I have occasionally ... cough cough...encountered said situation.  Many of my most creative moments occur in the wee hours. Usually I can blame the bears or giant pink flamingos.

Tonight there's no flamingos.

Did you know that you can actually slice frozen chocolate chip oatmeal dough, and it bakes up just fine?

And if you slice them just so, at various widths, they'll finish baking at staggered intervals so that you can eat a freshly baked cookie... oh every 3 minutes.

I so deserved this tonight. After a cub meeting where they had fire ants in their pants. We were practicing knot work. The thought did run through my mind of how I could use various knots, but some parents might not be too pleased about that.

I better go turn off the fan. Not the noise but the aroma might have woken them up. That would have implied sharing and there's really nothing left to share.

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