So, you may have wondered... what happened.. no post in 2 days.
well....I've been in training... or hiding out... depends on your view of things. It all started with something that was posted by a friend on FB....
So I thought I would try to follow these wise instructions and began to meditate... you know to get my mind in the right frame of mind.... Kiwi seemed to disagree that this should involve any form of silence.
Not wanting to appear lackadaisical, in any sense, I then devoured my chocolate bar with great gusto and vigorously enjoyed it quite thoroughly. I may have seemed to lack in the indifference department though. Due to the chocolaty stupor I was in, decided that yes indeed, ice cream would be OK for dinner.
Preferring to stitch in the living room, I felt it was safe to say I didn't stitch with either the dishes or the bed, and they could just remain where they were. Besides, I never thought they made great stitching companions. Paper plates and sleeping bags might be a good solution come to think of it....
Now the next part really puzzled me. What the heck is an urgent housekeeping chore? Does such a thing even exist? Will dust-bunnies take over the world?
I really should go out and buy myself a new ballroom gown. And while out, get a new hairdo and my nails done too. That way I would look absolutely stunning for any guest that suddenly dropped in when I was stitching... which happens to be after 10pm. I might be a tad fearful though if someone knocked at my door at that time, but that's beside the point.
Not sure I understand the chalk dusting part...wouldn't that just create a mess... and we're talking messy stuff where you can see it. At least dust bunnies have the decency to hide.
Why the heck I would be fearful of my husband coming home is beyond me... he's seen me without makeup....heck I don't wear makeup.... unless I of course was in the middle of organizing my stash... or discovering me with a 10lb box of truffles.... (I wish....)
Speaking of chocolate.....
Let's Eat Chocolate designed by Ursula Michael from Imaginating
Nope - didn't stitch that. I was too busy getting pretty and avoiding chores.
To stitch or not to stitch........ seeing that I'm breaking all those Singer rules anyway...
but what to stitch....that's another story...
Thanks for the giggle. Mrs. Cleaver ran screaming from my house because my son was eating a chocolate doughnut for breakfest.
Wait, doesn't everybody stitch wearing lipstick?! And I guess I'll have to get a fancy robe, mine isn't very pretty.
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