Wednesday, January 2, 2013

a new year...

Tuesday January 1, 2013

So I've been musing some time about starting a blog... and as seems apropos, the thought of such an undertaking occurred again to me in the wee hours. A new year... why not a blog this year?

Yes, I am a night owl. Have always been one. My zaniest ideas seem to come to me , oh about 2am, or so...

Being new to this 'blogging' stuff, I have yet to figure a few things out. How to post photos? What to blog about?

Oh sure I could ramble on about the shock of finding 'leftover' and 'chocolate'  together. Yes I am a chocolate addict. Not sure there goes a day without said substance. I had to laugh when I happened to see a post from Lindt on their Facebook wall:

"What do you do with your leftover Christmas chocolate?"

First, this concept is completely foreign to me - does such a thing actually exist? And what exactly is leftover chocolate?  A truffle with a bite out of it? And just how big is that bite.... a what point does it go from being a taste to a leftover?

Questions questions.....such are the ponderings at 1am.....

Sadly, another Christmas has passed, and no chocolaty Lindt bear was received by yours truly. Or at least not that I can recall... sometimes it gets a bit blurry in a chocolaty orgasm. Yes they do exist. Sorry guys.

Oh, and is there a "The Zen of Chocolate" book?

I could go on, but this would be distracting me from the truffles... you see I have this Chocolate ArkAngel, who now and then drops off chocolate. To be precise, this time it was Denninger's Chocolate Truffles - from France. And yes, there are some left. But let's make this clear - they are not leftovers.

I'd say they are "touch them and may you suffer the wrath of a stitcher with a pointy needle".

Another thing I do in the wee hours... stitch.. but that's another story.


Unknown said...

Good start...I decided to give blogging a try this year also!

Nicole M said...

Can't wait to see more postings ! Now you have me thinking too about what consitutes a leftover. hmmmmm

mybearsnme said...

thanks! I'll have to check yours out - maybe we can keep each other going!

mybearsnme said...

thinking takes up too much time - just enjoy it

mybearsnme said...

can't find yours :(

Unknown said...

here it is:

Bea said...

Welcome to the blogging world Helen. I'm looking forward to following your posts.

mybearsnme said...

thanks! You have a blog too?