Saturday, January 26, 2013

the Kind cycle

Saturday January 26, 2013

I read a really interesting article in Chatelaine's January issue.  It referred to a kindness revolution at kindcycle .

If you join, the Lise Watier Foundation instantly donates $100 to the Canadian Women’s Foundation in your name. The money will be used to provide job workshops, shelter and leadership training to women who need a leg up.... And it’s for a serious cause: to stop violence against women, end poverty and empower girls in every province across Canada.

So spread the word and join in!

I recently did a RAK... but I'll tell you more about that in another story :)


Tootsie said...

what happens at Lake Simcoe STAYS at Lake Simcoe! lol
Thanks for the visit today...I will be back often as I can for sure! I did enjoy the visit to you!

mybearsnme said...

oh oh... were you there? How much chocolate will your silence cost?